Friday, April 9, 2010
Nelson Atkins Museum goes Native
Culture called said, "Get yourself and that kid of yours to a museum and broaden your can't spend all day watching old westerns." So my little blonde sidekick and I hit the Nelson-Atkins Museum to browse the 2nd floor Native American Exhibit. She likes to play tour guide and within minutes had convinced a few kids from a school tour to check out "a bunch of awesome."
Those boys were such good sports and survived a 15 minute dissertation on Native American culture from a 4 year old. Having watched many old movies with Mama, she actually knows her stuff!
The photo doesn't show the full-length and of course does the colors and detail no justice but it was so beautiful and regal and kind of remarkable to imagine just what kind of brave and wild and amazing man wore it. I was struck by how ironic it was to be enclosed in climate controlled glass, positioned on a stainless steel rack, under pin lights...suspended in space among Victorian era oil paintings, bronze Buddha statues, Frank Lloyd Right camp chairs, etc.
We had a great time......the exhibit doesn't disappoint....much more fun than watching The Searchers or Geronimo or Shane for the 300th time........well, almost.

Blogger Kelley WC said...
Cool! So sad I missed it - would have loved hearing Gi explain things to the other kids!!

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